Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Data Analytics: The Value of Data

Data on Computer Screen

Data on Computer Screen

by: Shanika Palm
Visual Connections Data Analytics Team Lead & Manager

Guiding Business Decisions. Data analytics is best described as qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance productivity and business gain. Similarly, Data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. Data Visualization enables decision-makers to see analytics presented visually, so they can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns. Business intelligence (BI) and analytic tools provide clients with the information needed to improve business decision-making. Business owners and executive teams rely on data analysts and data scientists to transform data and visualizations into a narrative that conveys credibility in the analytical approach and confidence in the results, while, providing insights that are understandable and actionable. Organizations across industries use data analytics to identify new opportunities, make smarter business decisions, develop more efficient operations, yield higher profits and improve customer experiences.

Data Analytics Technology in the Market Place

Current Trends. For the past several years, conversations around analytics have increasingly focused on cutting-edge technologies such as deep learning, machine learning, neural networks, and various elements of artificial intelligence (AI). IT service organizations, like Visual Connections (VC), are seeking to integrate these technologies with data visualization tools to monetize the data and increase the efficiency of data analysts and data scientists. A successful pairing will allow analytic teams to be leaner and do more with fewer people resources.

Also trending in the area of Data Analytics is the use of Open Source technology, Cloud storage, Data Visualization tools, and Predictive analytics. IT service organizations seek to offer customized insights that lead organizations to generate or anticipate customer responses while utilizing free data and software tools like R and Python for statistical computing and graphics.

Through the Visual Connections (VC) Lens. VC collaborates with a broad network of IT service providers and industry experts to share lessons learned, and partner in new Pilot projects that explore machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and AI capabilities. The goal is to examine the benefit of this technology to our clients (e.g., CMS and CPI). VC continues to hone its analytic expertise to provide insights to CMS/CPI using well defined statistical methodologies for Predictive and Reactive data analysis of fraud, waste, and abuse within the Marketplace.

Additionally, VC designed, implemented, and funded the Visual Connect Analytic Services Environment (VCASE), which addresses CMS’ need to compile/analyze data from an array of diverse systems via a dedicated connection.  VC leverages VCASE to detect fraud and abuse, analyze trends in enrollments, claims, and eligibility, understand patterns, and interpret trends for predictive insights and decisioning. VCASE enables rapid development and deployment of statistical models, Artificial Intelligence (AI) pilots, and dashboards for use by CMS analysts, managers and executive decision-makers for data, collected nearly real-time, to deliver results and information.

Data Analysis Solutions & Services

Data Analysis Solutions & Services

VC Data Analytics Solutions & Support Services

The value of data visualization, machine learning, and AI include improved response time, greater simplicity, easier pattern recognition, and enhanced collaboration. The technological benefits are plentiful, though, not unique, in an industry of service providers that pride themselves on new tech implementations and innovative solutions.

VC shows a competitive advantage in its innate ability to provide a burgeoning enterprise of talent resources that understand the unique needs of our client as well as understands the customer’s reluctance to trust and adopt these new notions of machine vision. It is this understanding that allows our team to connect innovative analytic solutions with skilled professionals who know how to present image analytics in a useful way and translate analytics into actionable, tangible outcomes for our clients. This business model allows clients to discover solutions quicker, explore potential patterns, and improve decision making by integrating new technologies with legacy systems supported by a team of experienced professionals knowledgeable on the client’s specific business needs and goals.


Visual Connection’s team member Shanika Palm is a data analytics team lead and manager for Center’s for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Center for Program Integrity (CPI) projects. With Visual Connections (VCs) Marketplace Program Integrity Contractor (MPIC) team, Ms. Palm supports projects to measure fraud, waste, and abuse in Marketplace programs, with predictive models and methodologies to discover fraud indicators for Marketplace agents and brokers. Ms. Palm also ensures VC’s data analytics compliance with CMS policies, service levels, and security protocols. She has over 17 years of experience in data visualization and technical solutioning for project leadership teams, executives, and business owners. Her resume highlights expertise in presenting SAS data and developing Business Process Management (BPM) systems for Workforce Management, Project Tracking / Implementation, and Medicare application integration with custom-built systems.